Digitalized Procurement Processes.

Work with us in the Ariba Network.


In the course of our digital transformation the Dr. Schneider Unternehmensgruppe is also continually optimizing our entire purchasing process. In doing so, we als utilize the first-class SAP Ariba® Cloud-Sourcing and Procurement Solutions as well as innovative business models for procurement within the world´s largest network of buyers and suppliers.

As a partner or supplier of the Dr. Schneider Unternehmensgruppe, you will find all the important information listed below that you require in order to make working together in this digital marketplace as easy and smooth as possible.

The important information at a glance:

Ariba Network

Learn more

What is SAP Ariba and how does it work? Take a look behind the scence as a supplier.

Supplier Guide Registration

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Would you like to register as a supplier? We´ll help you through the registration process!

SAP Ariba Light Enablement

Learn more

What is the Ariba Network Light Account and how does it work?


Creatin of Catalogues

Catalogue format

Catalogue template

Excel template

Learn more

Digital marketplace, cross-catalogue search functionality and much more - with the SAP Ariba Catalogue, suppliers can upload everything via a single, easy-to-use user interface.

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